Baby Girl

My name is Paola Covarrubias Aka: Baby Girl. I am 31 years old, born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I have 2 beautiful boys, whom take after my artistic talent in music.
I have been passionate about singing since a very young age. I released my very 1st single on 9.11.2022. It will forever be my most prized song, since my childrens voices remind me at the end of the song how much they love me, and remind me daily that they’re the reason behind all and every achievement I accomplish in this life time.

From being in church/school choirs, winning multiple karaoke competitions. I’m only eager to continue to grow my talent in my passion. While following artists that only inspire me to get to a new level each and every day. To only continue to leave behind beautiful legacies in this world full of Beautiful Melodies.

IBêêDâRoyalty is family and home.  To me and many artists only wanting to achieve greatness and be sure to reach many many people across the globe 🌎 ♥️ 🙌 👑.  For Kings and Queens to remember the true power we hold within.  Therefore let our voices be heard.

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